
Hi, I'm Ishan Batish

Welcome to my Portfolio

About Me

I am a detail-oriented, efficient and organized professional with knowledge and experience in Quality Assurance/Testing and Web Development, along with the abilities of strong programming and analysis using automation tools and Manual Techniques.

Here's a few of my Technical Aptitudes

  • Scripting Languages
  • Automated Testing Tools & Framworks
  • CI/CD Tools
  • Big Data
  • Cloud Platform
  • Web Development
  • Version Control Systems
  • Database

Check out my latest projects


Earth Quotes

Random quotes shown over google earth images

Uses: Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap

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Titan Fitness iOS App

In This, I created tests cases to performed Unit and Performace Testing in aglie work enviroment.

Used:Atlassian Jira & Confluence, Appium Framework

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ReconSpider can be used by Infosec Researchers, Penetration Testers, Bug Hunters and Cyber Crime Investigators to find deep information about their target.

Used:Python, API

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Embedded System Testing

Comming Soon

Uses: Selenium, Jira, Rest Api, Linux

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Contact Me

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